Every problem requires a tailor-made approach and every case therefore deserves a different fee. We would be happy to work with you to find the best solution for you.
We can work on the basis of the following agreements or a combination thereof:
paying basis
An hourly rate, which varies from € 150 to € 300, excluding VAT, disbursements and office costs. The hourly rate is determined based on the following factors:
• experience of the lawyer
• importance of the case
• required specialist knowledge
• complexity of the case
Deviating agreements can be made in individual cases.
Fixed amount
A fixed fee or 'lump sum' is agreed in advance for the entire procedure.
Result-related remuneration
This is not a 'no cure, no pay', but an agreement on an hourly rate, which can be increased/adjusted afterwards in the event of a favorable result ('success fee') according to prior agreement.
Subsidized legal aid
If you have a low personal income or capital, the Legal Aid Board (RvR) can be requested to reimburse (part of) the work of the lawyer. The RvR determines a personal contribution to be paid by the client to the lawyer. You can obtain information about the most recently determined income limits and the personal contribution on the RvR site: www.rvr.org .
Legal insurance
You may have legal expenses insurance. In that case we will discuss the reimbursement with your insurer.